Tuesday, February 7, 2012


           After I was reading the HeLa’s book I knew that at that time there was no any laws about research and doctors, but the most important thing was that the doctor removed tissue from your body during a routine procedure or examination at a doctor's office at some point in the past had gone on to significantly benefit science and research but without asking you about you opinion. I think the doctor should be retroactively compensated, because they doing something without asking their family’s agreement. Also, the doctor think this was the right thing they can do; if the sick person on that hospital, they can have something without asking them opinion. Therefore, I think this is not right, because everybody have freedom to do something. Also, we have right to control our own tissues.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

BP #8

        One of things most people care about is going green, but we need to be a community with things, and each day we need to do something, however, small it appears, to help preserve the earth; to help reduce the hurt; to help heal it so it is there for generations to come. Also, most of people in the world to think up every possible method about going green, but the thing are people’s do not even taking action. Therefore, to protect the earth is a job for everybody in the world, but the most important thing is that everybody should taking action for their own life, and if you don't you will have many problems around your after many years.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

BP #6

     During the 16 century and 17 century, there was many scientists research many things about DNA and cancel cell, the most important thing was that research did many things was wrong because they did not ask their patients to approve about to take their cells in order to make research. Also, there were many things they did not focus on, such as asked other people to agree what doctor did for their body. Therefore, the problem is people from every country have different opinion about the medical search, and many people think this is nothing happen to their body; the most important thing is that people will never know what happening is after many years.    
       In my country there are a lot of people to search something about cancel or DNA and HIV. How is this things grow up in the human body is this grow in animal, but the most important thing is that the doctor do not even ask their but they just take whatever they want. Therefore many people disagree about that, because some people think this is very danger if go to hospital, because the doctor will injection some of the bad to your body, but the thing is without ask you any agreement about their body.   

Friday, January 20, 2012

BP #5

           Sodas are one of most popular drinks in the world, but the most important thing is that most teenagers drink sodas much as they can.  According to the article of “Soda Taxes Might Save 2,600 Lives A Year, But Certainly Make Cents”, many people argue that it's a necessary measure for the sake of public health, pointing to the "externalities" of soda consumption as a justification for the apparent strangeness of a tax on a specific food item. Those against the tax are just as strident, and many reasons to show the government have to make soda tax higher. Also, the most important thing is that sometimes the price can make some people make other choice.    

           The government should make soda tax higher, because this is the only way the government can help all of people, and sometimes soda tax can change people's to buy other things. But the most important thing is than if the government want to help people the only thing they can do is make tax higher for the soda.

Friday, January 13, 2012

BP #4

                     One of the most important thing that most people want to do is "going green", because everybody care about their own body health all of times. Therefore, we should make sure and concerne about food sustainability when we shop for foods, and the most important thing is that many people try produce their own merchandise in order to keep our body health. Also, people want to have access to stores with organic food, minimally modified food, and locally grown food. So, everybody want "going green". If there is any other chance I can help in the farm to produce our own healthly food, I will be the first one to apply, because I want to be a healthly person and I hope everybody in the world also to have a healthly body as me.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

BP #3

           From 1940’s to 1950’s, there were segregation in the United States between African-Americans and Americans. “Segregation is generally outlawed, but may exist through social norms, even when there is no strong individual preference for it, as suggested by Schelling's models of segregation and subsequent work. Segregation may be maintained by means ranging from discrimination in hiring and in the rental and sale of housing to certain races to vigilante violence Generally, a situation that arises when members of different races mutually prefer to associate and do business with members of their own race would usually be described as separation or de facto separation of the races rather than segregation. In the United States, legal segregation was required in some states and came with "anti-miscegenation laws" (prohibitions against interracial marriage).” I found this at Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Also, Segregation is the separation of humans into racial groups in daily life and it may affect in trains, hospital, eating in a restaurant, and drinking from a water fountain, using a public toilet, attending school, going to the movies, or in the rental or purchase of a home. Also, there were a lot of things color people did not have opportunity to do something as white people does, but the most important thing is that people did not any free to vote even they already 18 years old. And color people should not lived together, just in case if they stay together when someone tell the government. therefor, the white people will not talk to them any more, and the most important thing is that everything did by the color people are wrong even though they have a wonderful ideas. so, at 1940's to 1950's the color people won't able to do something without asking the government. 

Friday, January 6, 2012

BP #2

       Taking advantange of someone it is most people does in their lives. And the most important thing is that it is very rule of someone, sometimes taking advantange is like obsessive someone to do something, it also make other people feel comfortable about that.
      When I was in High School, I was in my conutry(China). There were a lot of Math Homework around me everyday, but one of my homework would due next day and I had no ideas about the homework, that I was calling to my friend to come my house having a dinner about half hour he came to my house that I asked him to helped me to finish my homework that he spent almost three hours to help me. I feel very sorry about that becuse I did not ask him to do my homework but it was ask him come my house to have dinner. So, this was my first to taking other people advantange.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

BP#1- introduction

Hello! Everyone. my name is shengyao wang, I am from China and this is my first year in the college and my major is Accounting and I been this county for many years. So, I hope we will have a wonderful time in this class.