Thursday, February 2, 2012

BP #8

        One of things most people care about is going green, but we need to be a community with things, and each day we need to do something, however, small it appears, to help preserve the earth; to help reduce the hurt; to help heal it so it is there for generations to come. Also, most of people in the world to think up every possible method about going green, but the thing are people’s do not even taking action. Therefore, to protect the earth is a job for everybody in the world, but the most important thing is that everybody should taking action for their own life, and if you don't you will have many problems around your after many years.

1 comment:

  1. yes, it is true. if we don't worry about going green, we will face tremendously problem in the world. 2. you should write more details about future. what will be happen in world if now we don't take action anything for going green.
