Tuesday, February 7, 2012


           After I was reading the HeLa’s book I knew that at that time there was no any laws about research and doctors, but the most important thing was that the doctor removed tissue from your body during a routine procedure or examination at a doctor's office at some point in the past had gone on to significantly benefit science and research but without asking you about you opinion. I think the doctor should be retroactively compensated, because they doing something without asking their family’s agreement. Also, the doctor think this was the right thing they can do; if the sick person on that hospital, they can have something without asking them opinion. Therefore, I think this is not right, because everybody have freedom to do something. Also, we have right to control our own tissues.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

BP #8

        One of things most people care about is going green, but we need to be a community with things, and each day we need to do something, however, small it appears, to help preserve the earth; to help reduce the hurt; to help heal it so it is there for generations to come. Also, most of people in the world to think up every possible method about going green, but the thing are people’s do not even taking action. Therefore, to protect the earth is a job for everybody in the world, but the most important thing is that everybody should taking action for their own life, and if you don't you will have many problems around your after many years.